Hello everybody and welcome to my new blog. I guess most people starting a blog have thoroughly planned the topics they want to write about. Actually I did the same, but writing an inital post to introduce the blog and its author is much harder than expected. I could write a long essay about me, my work and how I made the decision to start this blog - probably most people would be bored beyond belief. Therefore I omit that and give you a quick summary about me and the topics you can expect from the upcoming posts.
Who am I?
My name is Christian Kreutzfeldt and I work as a software engineer in Hamburg / Germany. Mainly I deal with a lot of topics that are associated with the development of enterprise software written in JAVA. Actually I work on a project that deals with the definition and implementation of a role and permission management.
What can you expect?
As you can read in the nice textare that covers my face in the page header, I stumble upon a lot of interesting topics during my day-by-day work. I plan to use this blog as a kind of reference book for myself as well as an information assembly for others. Most topics that I will cover will be associated with J2EE in the one or another way.
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