Since I need to get some presentable results quickly and did not want to spend precious time learning a new ui framework, I chose to try out the availability of JSF 2.0 on GAE in interaction with Primefaces. Fortunately I stumbled across an article by Derek Berube on how to setup Primefaces in a GAE environment.
Unfortunately I ran into two small but annoying errors that kept me away from making any progress for a while. The first one appeared everytime I requested a JSF page:
at javax.faces.context.FacesContext.getCurrentPhaseId(
at javax.faces.event.ExceptionQueuedEventContext.
at javax.faces.event.ExceptionQueuedEventContext.
I could get rid of it by replacing the recommended Mojarra version 2.0.4 by 2.0.3.
The second problem is associated with SUNs implementation of the expression language. So, I replaced it by the JBoss implementation but had to make changes to get it working, since it breaks the law of not spawning any threads. Therefore I copied the modified contents of org.jboss.el.util.ReferenceCache
into the source folder of my project.
Finally I got my project using Primefaces 2.2.1 and JBoss-EL 2.0.1 working.
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